Monday 19 November 2012

Graphics: Surfing Silhouette T-shirt

Outline: When making the surfing silhouette t-shirt we started off by drawing up a outline of our own surfing related silhouettes, once that was done we watched the tutorial to make a background texture which would be in the outline of the silhouette. 
The Texture: By using photoshop i used one of pictures from brighton by making the white bits of the picture into different colours by playing around with the hue and saturation. We also added surfing text changing the colour of that as well until we were happy with our design. Personally I found this tutorial hard and quite tricky but once i had some help i was able to understand it and to create another one. 

Texture and outline Together:  Before i decided to join both my outline drawing and the texture i had to scan the outline into the computer and cleaned it up in photoshop i also didn't like a particular part of my outline so i decided to remove it by using the magnetic lasso tool to just select the part of the outline which i wanted. By going to 'Colour Range and selecting the inside of my outline drawing i then pasted the texture into my outline drawing, moving around the texture behind to my liking merging the layers together. Once i liked my final outcome i presented it onto a t-shirt to see what it would look like. 

Materials: Abode Photoshop, Layers, Text Tool, Colour Range Function, Paint Bucket

Techniques: Creating a textural image using a photograph
 edited to change the colour and add text, then copying and pasting into a hand drawn silhouette of a surfer

Equipment: Mac Computer, Abode photoshop, Pencil, Cartridge Paper, Fine Liner

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