Thursday, 7 March 2013

Final Animation Equipment List

For my final animation I'm making an little advert to do with technology advertising a blackberry. I'm going to create a stop motion animation needing varies equipment to carry out the shooting/creating for my animation. Before coming up with my designs for my final animation I needed to create a mindmap about my theme which was technology, listing and drawing things that came under technology once i was happy with that i then started to draw out the storyboard/shooting plan.

Equipments Needed:
A camera
A computer
Cardboard Boxes/Tubes

Monday, 4 March 2013

Project Review

2. Use Of Materials
What Materials/techniques have you experimented with during this project?
Play-doh, Food, Drawings, Animated gif, Stop motion, Time Lapse, Claymation, Adobe Flash, imotion, imovie. 

What skills have you developed during this project?
Being able to use different software such as Adobe Flash, imotion with ipads, imovie with computers and single pictures.

Discuss your use of materials/techniques - explain what you did, what went well, etc.
With all the materials/techniques we basically had to 

Did you experience any problems with the materials/techniques? What were they? How did you over come them?

You have experimented with a range of different techniques

3.Idea Generating 

Which Catergory are you advertising for? (Music/technology/food/fashion)
What product will you be advertising?
What technique are you planning to use?
What materials will you be using?

4.Connections to the work of others
An animation that has inspired me?
Who is it by and what is it called
What type of product is it advertising or what is the idea behind it?
Why have you selected it?
What type of animation is it?
What sort of props/techniques have been used?
What could you try in your own work that is inspired by this?

Claymation With Play-Doh

- Play-Doh

Making the Animation
Began by making a set that was relative for my music choice the sculpted out my play-doh into the shapes I wanted. Then using my camera I took pictures of the different photo shoots that I wanted one by one and connected the camera to the computer to import them into imovie, making sure that all the pictures fit the frame then making clip adjustments. When I was happy with the adjustments I made to import the music, ABC by Jackson 5, 

- Using characters of the jackson 5 getting them to hold the 'A, B, C ' and some other lines from the lyrics
- Making the animation longer
-Trying to slow down the music as it seemed a bit fast

Adobe Flash Animation Shape Tween

Techniques, Materials & Equipment 
What materials and equipment did you use?
We used the software Adobe Flash animation when creating this animation and following a tutorial.

Did you enjoy using these techniques?
Making this animation was quite difficult and at times as I hadn't used this software before.

Would you like to work with them again?
Yes i would like to work again with this type of animation again, wanting to see what else I can create and the different things that I'll be able to do with Adobe Flash Animation.

How could you improve on your animation?
Adding Text
Using Different Shapes 
Maybe Adding More Shapes
Making the Shapes into characters giving them different facial expressions