Friday 5 October 2012

Graphics: Final Logo & Questions

  • Are you happy with your final logo? What works well?

I'm happy that I decided for my final logo to go for a calligram. I think it worked really well with the name 'Little Waves' as I created a wave with the letters.

  • Do you think you could do anything to improve on this? You must write at least one comment here but more would be good!

- Maybe adding a bit of colour in the white gaps. 
- To make the words a bit more clear for example the 'Little' the T's look like E's.
- To make the lines more straight.  

  • Was there any logo that inspired your design? It would be good here if there was and you showed it on your blog

There wasn't a specific logo that inspired my design however I was inspired by the shapes of waves and thought of how it could be in-coperated into my logo name.

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